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Bummer! An error message!
Bummer! An error message!
Updated over a year ago

"Bummer! We're sorry but something went wrong. Please make sure all fields are filled correctly. If they are and you're still experiencing problems, please contact our support."

This is an error message sometimes received when uploading on PC/MAC. When you get this message it usually means one of the following:

  • Mandatory writer/s or contributor fields were left empty. There must be at least one writer.

  • ISRCs were inserted without the required format. ISRCs should be typed in capital letters.

  • .flac audio files were uploaded instead of the required .wav format.

  • the cover art is a .png file that cannot be read. Please re-save it as a .jpg file.

If none of these seem to be the case and you are still experiencing issues, please use our mobile app to upload your release. You could also try from another browser.

Please contact us by clicking the chat bubble in the bottom right corner. You'll find it on our Helpcenter or any page when you're logged in to your Amuse account. If you don't see the chat bubble on Web, make sure you've accepted our Cookies in your browser.

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